University Studies Education

Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences offers a variety of options for students who wish to take an academic credit course. For instance, professionals from a broad range of disciplines may wish to register for an academic credit course for continuing professional education as mandated by a regulatory or professional association. Many of our courses will meet ongoing professional education needs of health, rehabilitation, insurance, safety and social services professionals. Academic courses at the Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences offer both conceptual knowledge and leading edge research to support evidence-informed application in practice domains related to work integration, retention, creation of safe work environments and advances in collaborative service delivery in disability management. Our specialized courses may also be of interest as electives for students enrolled in higher education in other universities or colleges in related health studies, social or psychology studies, occupational safety, disability or labour studies, social protection studies, apprentice or skilled trades programs and business studies. Others may take academic courses that may be of interest or as a preliminary step toward one of our degree programs.

University Studies Education Academic credit courses in the Bachelor of Disability Management Degree at Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences are open to:

1. Professionals who have the Certified Disability Management Professional (CDMP) or a Certified Return to Work Coordinator (CRTWC) Designations.

2. Students enrolled in a university who wish to take the course as an elective.

3. Professionals who have a post secondary degree.

4. Others who wish to take an academic credit course and who meet the admission criteria for University Studies education.

For further details, please refer to the Academic Calendar.