
Students at PCU-WHS have access to a range of student services including student advising, online services, library services, and assistance with the accommodation of disabilities.

Student Advising

PCU-WHS has in place both faculty assigned as student “mentors” in academic matters and also personnel who are qualified to assist with a range of other issues.

Students work with advisers to complete an initial learning plan as a guide for their degree, certificate or diploma. This is revised annually, or on request, while a student is registered in a program.

Online Services

Students receive a number of services online including admissions and registration, access to student support, library, and the University’s learning system.

Students are expected to provide their own hardware, internet connection, internet browser and word processing software to access the University’s computing facilities.


The library includes both print and electronic resources. A librarian is available to assist students and faculty who are offsite, as well as those who are working on the campus, to locate appropriate resources.

Students with Disabilities

The University makes its courses and programs accessible to students with disabilities in accordance with the Human Rights Code (BC) and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Students with disabilities who need accommodations are required to self-identify and bring requests for assistance with accommodation or changes in accommodation to the attention of the Registrar allowing for reasonable time for the University to respond.

The University may offer a student provisional accommodation for a limited period of time pending submission of complete and acceptable documentation. The University may also provide accommodations to students with temporary disabilities on a case by case basis.

To obtain more details about student services, please contact student services: