BC Employers – New Course Available DMCS 450 – Employer Return to Work Obligations Under Bill 41 Changes to the BC Workers Compensation Act

The Government of British Columbia has recently enacted amendments to the workers’ compensation legislation aimed at providing greater clarity and reinforcement of the obligations placed upon organizations in facilitating return to work for employees who have sustained mental or physical injuries or illnesses resulting from workplace activities. The Workers Compensation Amendment Act (No. 2), which was ratified in November 2022, is slated to come into effect on January 1, 2024. This legislation introduces two new obligations for both workers and employers: the duty to collaborate and the duty to sustain the employment of an injured worker.

For further details, please click on the following link to download details regarding the course:DMCS-450-BC-Employer-RTW-Obligations-Under-Bill-41-3-1

Or, please go to the following webpage: DMCS 450