This course is designed to develop a student’s knowledge and understanding of a workplace health issue relevant to a work sector in which the student wishes to deepen their knowledge and prepare a proposal for a practicum placement in a workplace role under the supervision of a Certified Disability Management Professional (CDMP). Students are facilitated to identify a work sector and a relevant issue such as prevention of injury, disability management, or promotion of health in the workplace. Based on a literature review of grey, policy, and evidence literature, students produce a summary report of current practice and challenges in their selected sector. In parallel, students are assisted to identify a practicum placement opportunity in the domain of workplace health, to agree to the terms and learning objectives of the practicum with a prospective appropriately qualified supervisor, to gain required permissions from the employer and supervisor, and to submit a practicum proposal to the university for approval. Academic performance is assessed based on the quality of the sectoral study and the approved practicum proposal. Students can make a case for undertaking the practicum in their current workplace and job role if they can justify that the activities specified for the practicum genuinely support the acquisition of new knowledge and skills and if they have arranged for an independent and appropriately qualified practicum supervisor.