How can Disability Management make a difference?

  • Approximately 80 percent of disabling conditions occur during an individual’s working life.
  • Disability benefit recipients have less than a one percent chance of exiting the social security benefit system and in to employment.
  • This results in dependency and poverty for individuals with disabilities, unsustainable social protection costs, and increasing numbers of disability benefit recipients.
  • About 25 percent of all Canadians living in poverty today ─ an estimated 1.2 million individuals ─ are people with disabilities.
  • Effective Disability Management programs can make a crucial contribution to reducing poverty in Canada by promoting workplace health, preventing disabilities, and avoiding loss of employment due to a disabling condition.

Disability Management interventions are designed to:

  • Reduce the likelihood that workers will acquire an impairment that could place their jobs at risk.
  • Engage with workers with disabilities, before they have lost their attachment to their employer, to enhance the likelihood they will retain and return to their jobs.
  • Reduce the number of workers exiting the active labour market and entering into the disability benefits system.

Early intervention is at the core of an effective Disability Management approach.

A key success factor in effective Disability Management programs is a consensus-based process based on collaboration between management and worker representatives, often enshrined in a collective agreement, and overseen by a joint management-labour committee.