DMCS 770 – Psychological Injury: Prevention, Job Retention, and RTW Strategies

DMSC 770  Psychological injury: Prevention, Job Retention and RTW strategies

(If you have previously completed DMCS 514 – Psychological Injury: Prevention, Job Retention, and RTW Strategies within the last three years, you can receive an Exemption for this course upon presentation of an original transcript.)

The concept of psychological injury is addressed primarily from the perspective of the individual responsible for disability management who is involved in prevention, job retention, and return to work. The course focuses both on creating psychologically healthy workplaces, and the functional and activity implications of mental distress that arise either from a traumatic event or chronic stress. It also addresses the basis for determining legal responsibility for a mental injury as well as the challenges that arise when a psychological injury occurs comorbidly with another health condition. It covers the range of symptoms, evidence-based treatments, available interventions, and the strategies, supports and interventions that can be used to support job retention or return to work.
