The G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting, held in Mendoza, Argentina, Sept 6-7, 2018, released a Statement which identifies significant disability related objectives, starting on page 8, Article No.8, under the heading, “Promote Decent Work for persons with disabilities“. Dr. Joachim Breuer, member of the Board of Governors of Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS), who is CEO of the German Federal Workers Compensation System and President of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), a United Nations affiliated agency in Geneva, was one of the participants of the G20 meeting. Dr. Breuer will also be delivering a keynote address during the opening morning session of the 9th International Forum on Disability Management – IFDM 2018 – taking place in Vancouver, Canada – October 15 – 17, 2018.
To read the Statement to the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meetiing, please click on the link below:
To view the Program for IFDM 2018, please visit the website:
Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS) is the host for IFDM 2018
Web: www.pcu-whs.ca